They must have gotten tired of removing the rocks from the highway, if you look close you can see the old highway on the right and the new highway on the left.
From the bottom, the wall looks tall and level, but the eye is fooled. The hike to the "top" of the wall was nothing compared to the hike along the top edge of the wall, it was steep.
We hiked up through meadows where wildflowers were starting to bloom and we had gorgeous views of the the river below us.
The wind was getting stronger so we had our lunch in the shelter of some large rocks, the sun felt good and we could smell the wild garlic growing nearby. Then the wind really picked up.
Not quite as bad as Saddle Mountain, but strong enough to take your breath away. And cold despite the sun.
The plan was to follow the wall back toward the hills and then find a trail down the face of the wall. But the wind made it scary to be near the edge so we followed random trails (meaning we got lost) down the back side.
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